Tag Archives: Powershell

Export Nutanix Configuration to CSV through Powershell and REST API

What do you do when you have over 100 Nutanix nodes scattered across multiple datacenters and need to audit the configurations, or record the configurations for documentation?

Write a powershell script that queries the REST API of course!

In this instance I needed a known starting point.  I didn’t have all of the IP addresses of the CVMs, hosts, etc in a format that I could query.  What I did have was all of the hosts in vCenter along with all of their CVMs.  So this script starts by connecting to all of the vCenters in the Datacenters and getting a list of all of the CVMs and their IP addresses.  It then runs REST API queries against the CVM IPs.

Here’s what the output looks like when opened in Excel (and scrubbed of proprietary information):


Any blocks that are not configured yet, or are not running a version of NOS that has the REST API, or do not have network connectivity will return System.Collections.Hashtable values as you can see below.


Nutanix Block Startup / Shutdown Powershell Scripts

Anyone who has Nutanix lab blocks that need to be started / stopped frequently may appreciate these scripts.