Category Archives: EMC

How to find WWPN assignments on Cisco UCS

Let’s say that you have a new UCS that you need have configured and now you need to get the WWPNs from it so you can zone your fibre channel switch. What’s the command you say? Well, you could try something like:

UCS-A# scope \org
UCS-A /org # show wwn-pool VDI_WWPN expand

This will spit out each WWPN, the service profile, and vHBA that it is assigned to.

EMC Celerra: Change LUN masks in CLI

In our lab environment we are fortunate to have an EMC NS-120.  Unfortunately we do not have iSCSI modules for it. In order for our non-fibre channel VMware hosts to access these LUNs we are forced to share them though a Celerra NAS appliance.

As you can see I have several initiators that need their LUN Masks changed. In order to change them through the GUI I would have to click properties on each initiator, change the Grant LUNs field and click OK.

There must be a quicker way!

Browsing the EMC Powerlink support site I stumbled across this little gem of information. All of the commands run by the GUI are logged in this file: /nas/log/cmd_log

I changed the LUNs granted on one of the initiators and the log file showed me that the command is:

server_iscsi server_2 -mask -set EMC01 -initiator -grant 1-2

Unfortunately there is no Grant ALL command, but I found that using the command line was much faster than using the GUI! For further information here is the information provided by server_iscsi – help:

usage: server_iscsi { <movername> | ALL }

-target {

-alias <alias_name> [-Q <iscsi_name>]

-create [<pg_tag>:np=<np_list> [<pg_tag>:np=<np_list> …]]

| -delete <alias_name>

| -rename <old_alias_name> <new_alias_name>

| -bind <alias_name> <pg_tag>:np=<np_list>

| -unbind <alias_name> { <pg_tag> | np=<np_list> }

| -info { <alias_name> | -all }

| -stat { <alias_name> | -all }

| -list


| -lun {

-number <lun_number>

-create <target_alias_name> -size <size>[M|G|T] -fs <fs_name>

[ -vp {yes|no} ] [ -readonly {yes|no} ]

| -extend <lun_number> -target <target_alias_name> -size <size>[M|G|T]

| -delete <lun_number> -target <target_alias_name>

| -info { <lun_number> | -all } [-target <target_alias_name>]

| -stat { <lun_number> | -all } [-target <target_alias_name>]

| -modify <lun_number> -target <target_alias_name> -readonly {yes [-Force] | no}

| -list [-target <target_alias_name>]


| -mask {

-list [<target_alias_name>]

| -info <target_alias_name> {-initiator <initiator_name> | -all }

| -set <target_alias_name> -initiator <initiator_name>

{ -grant <access_list>

| -deny <access_list>


| -clear <target_alias_name> -initiator <initiator_name>


| -ns isns

{ -info

| -set { -server <IP>[:<port>] | -esiport <port> }

| -clear { -server | -esiport | -all }


| -service { -start | -stop | -status }

| -snap {

-list [ -target <target_alias> [ -lun <lun_number> ] ]

| -info <snap_name>

| -create -target <target_alias_name>

-lun <lun_number>

[ -data <app_data> ]

| -modify <snap_name> -data <app_data>

| -delete { <snap_name> | -target <target_alias_name> -lun <lun_number> }

[ -Force ] }

| -restore <snap_name>

| -promote <snap_name> -initiator <initiator_name>

| -Demote <snap_name> [ -Force ]


| -help